Injured pedestrian got hit and run by a car.

Hit-and-run accidents can be among the most frustrating collisions for Atlanta drivers. When another driver hits you and flees the scene to dodge their legal obligations, you may face significant challenges in recovering compensation for your injuries because you don’t know who to file an insurance claim against.

If you sustained injuries in an Atlanta hit-and-run crash, Bayuk Pratt can help. Our car accident attorneys have over 50 years of combined legal experience and insider knowledge as former high-stakes defense attorneys, giving us insights to use to demand fair compensation. Clients say our attorneys are “thorough and thoughtful,” always fighting for the best result possible. We have a strong track record of maximizing compensation, with more than $300 million recovered for deserving clients.

Whether the police catch the driver who fled or not, we can protect your rights, document all your losses from the collision, handle communications with the insurance company, and represent you in court if needed. Call or contact us today for a free consultation with an Atlanta hit-and-run accident lawyer.

What Are Georgia’s Hit-and-Run Laws?

Georgia law requires any driver involved in a crash that causes injury, death, or vehicle damage to immediately stop as close to the accident scene as possible (without blocking traffic or creating a hazard). Drivers must give their name, home address, and vehicle registration to all the other parties involved in the collision. If asked, they must provide their driver’s license number. They must also provide reasonable assistance to accident victims until first responders arrive. Leaving the crash scene puts them in violation of this law.

If a driver strikes an unattended vehicle in Georgia, the law requires them to stop immediately and try to find the vehicle’s owner or driver. If they can’t find the owner or driver, they must leave a note with their name and address in a noticeable place.

The penalties for violating these laws include jail time and fines if the police catch a hit-and-run driver. They may also be civilly liable for injuries and other losses stemming from a crash they cause.

Why Would a Driver Leave the Scene of an Accident?

Many hit-and-run drivers leave the scene of an accident because they’re worried about the potential consequences if the police catch them. Some reasons why a driver might flee a crash include:

  • Drunk driving – If an intoxicated driver causes a crash, they might flee because they’re worried about the possible consequences of a DUI charge.
  • Distracted driving – Similarly, a driver might flee the scene of an accident because they’re scared about criminal and civil penalties for their recklessness.
  • No insurance – Georgia law sets liability insurance minimums for its drivers. Being uninsured or underinsured is one of the main reasons Atlanta drivers may flee the scene of a hit-and-run crash. This is because they might not have the money to pay for the harm they caused.

What Should I Do After an Atlanta Hit-and-Run Accident?

Hit-and-run accidents in Atlanta involve additional complications, so it’s crucial to do everything you can to protect your rights. Here’s what you need to do after a hit-and-run crash:

  • Call the police and stay until they arrive – Unless you have life-threatening injuries, it’s vital to remain at the accident scene until law enforcement arrives. When the police arrive, explain what happened and make sure they note that the other driver fled the scene. The police report may be the only direct proof you have of a hit-and-run crash, and you’ll likely need the report when you file an insurance claim. If you saw the car that hit you, describe it to the police to help them search for it.
  • Document the scene – If possible, take pictures or video of your car, the injuries you sustained, and any witnesses’ names and contact information. You’ll need this evidence to prove the extent of your losses to your insurance company.
  • Seek medical treatment and follow your doctor’s orders – Even if you feel fine, see a doctor anyway. You may have hidden injuries that could cause severe harm if left untreated. Once you start treatment, follow your physician’s instructions to show you’re taking your injuries seriously.
  • Talk to an Atlanta hit-and-run-accident lawyer – An experienced attorney can explain your options for pursuing compensation and handle all the legal work in your hit-and-run case, letting you focus on healing and rebuilding your life.

Can I Still Recover Compensation for an Atlanta Hit-and-Run Accident?

In many cases, accident victims can recover compensation for a hit-and-run even if the police can’t find the driver. Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage typically covers hit-and-run crashes, so an injured driver can file a car accident claim with their own insurance company to recover whatever compensation their policy provides.

One potential complication is that while Georgia requires insurance companies to offer uninsured motorist coverage, drivers may reject the coverage in writing. Drivers without uninsured motorist coverage may have to find other ways to cover their losses, such as through their health insurance.

What Compensation Can I Get If the Hit-and-Run Driver Gets Caught?

If the police catch the driver who fled, you can file a claim against them to seek compensation for your losses. With help from a lawyer, you can pursue money for:

  • Past, current, and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Your reduced future earning potential
  • Your lower quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Your damaged personal property

Does Georgia Have a Time Limit for Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Georgia gives you two years from the date of an accident to file a lawsuit. Talk to a lawyer as soon as possible to preserve your right to pursue compensation.

Contact an Atlanta Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer

The Atlanta hit-and-run accident attorneys at Bayuk Pratt know how frightening the aftermath of a collision can be, especially when the responsible driver is still at large. Enlisting the help of an experienced lawyer can help you learn your legal options during this difficult time.

Even without uninsured motorist coverage, you could still have avenues to pursue compensation for your losses after a hit-and-run in Atlanta. Our lawyers will conduct a thorough investigation to identify whether other entities could bear responsibility for the crash. You can count on us from case open to case closed.

Put Bayuk Pratt to work for you. Call or fill out our online contact form today for a free consultation.