school bus in city traffic

Are you dealing with the aftermath of an injury caused by bus driver negligence? If so, you could be looking for compensation for what you’ve experienced, from your medical bills and lost wages to your physical pain and emotional suffering. However, pursuing legal claims after a bus crash can involve complex evidence and legal procedures, especially if you’re doing so against a state or local government agency.

Hiring experienced legal counsel can make the claims process less stressful and improve your chances of maximizing compensation. An experienced Atlanta bus accident lawyer from Bayuk Pratt can help.

The team at Bayuk Pratt has what it takes to handle your claim efficiently, effectively, and aggressively. Contact us today for a free initial claim evaluation and find out what an experienced Atlanta bus accident attorney can do for you.

Benefits of Hiring an Atlanta Bus Accident Attorney

One of the biggest benefits of hiring an Atlanta bus accident lawyer from Bayuk Pratt is having a dedicated advocate who will pursue the compensation and justice you deserve while you focus on treating and rehabbing your injuries.

Our bus accident law firm will help you by:

  • Recovering evidence for your case by thoroughly investigating the accident, including demanding documents and surveillance footage from the bus operator or other parties
  • Documenting your injuries and losses and calculating what compensation you’re owed
  • Identifying liable parties and evaluating your options for seeking a financial recovery
  • Vigorously pursuing maximum financial recovery for you through a settlement
  • Taking your case to court and trial when necessary to demand justice

Our firm was founded by Frank Bayuk and Bradley Pratt, previously senior partners at some of the biggest corporate and injury defense firms in the country. Their experiences there taught them how insurance companies fight payouts and deny claims — insider knowledge they now use to get accident victims like you the justice and financial security they deserve. It’s an approach that’s helped them recover $300 million to date in settlements and awards for their clients, and it’s one they want to put to work for you.

Why Are Bus Accident Injury Claims So Complex?

Victims of bus accidents can face certain challenges when pursuing a bus accident case due to the unique circumstances of these claims.

Here are some of the factors that make bus accident injury claims more complex than other auto accident cases:

  • Bus Accidents Can Cause Severe Injuries – A bus’s size means it will impart much greater force in a collision than a smaller passenger vehicle, potentially causing catastrophic injuries. In addition, passengers riding in the bus can also suffer severe injuries in a crash due to a lack of seatbelts or if they’re standing. Severe injuries can make a claim more complex due to the higher amounts of compensation involved.
  • Crashes Can Injure Dozens of People – A bus accident can potentially injure dozens of people, including passengers in the bus and occupants of other vehicles involved in the collision. A large number of injury claimants can slow down the claims process as a liable bus operator tries to handle many claims simultaneously or pursue a global settlement with all victims.
  • Liable Parties Can Include Government Entities – Pursuing compensation after a bus accident can become complex if a government entity like a transit agency or school district operated the bus. State and local governments have waived their immunity from civil claims in limited circumstances, but pursuing claims against the government can involve specific filing procedures and deadlines.

What to Do After a Bus Accident

What you do after a bus accident can have a major effect on your ability to recover compensation.

Here are a few things to prioritize in the days and weeks following a bus crash in Atlanta:

  • Report the accident to both law enforcement and the bus operators. Remember to obtain a copy of the police crash report if officers responded to the accident scene.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible to diagnose and treat any injuries you suffered. Follow your treating physician’s recommendations and recovery instructions. Do not defer rehab or treatment procedures.
  • Request copies of your medical records of your treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Gather your pay stubs/income statements from before and after the accident to calculate lost earnings.
  • Keep all bills, invoices, and receipts for your recovery-related expenses, including vehicle repairs or medical treatment.

Finally, contact an Atlanta bus accident attorney from Bayuk Pratt as soon as possible to determine your legal options. Our firm can guide you through the claims process and advocate for your right to a full financial recovery for your expenses and losses.

Who Could Be Held Responsible for a Bus Accident?

Several different parties may bear responsibility for a bus accident, depending on the cause or causes of the crash.

Parties who can be held liable for a bus accident might include any of the following:

  • The bus driver
  • Another motorist who causes the crash
  • A charter or shuttle bus company
  • MARTA or other public transit companies
  • Intercity bus line operators
  • Party bus or tour trolley operators