putting out a fire

Have you or a loved one suffered a catastrophic injury in an accident in Atlanta? If someone else is to blame, you may have the right to seek financial recovery for your losses. Unfortunately, liable parties and insurance companies would rather keep their money than pay you fairly for what you’ve suffered. That’s why you should turn to an Atlanta catastrophic injury attorney from Bayuk Pratt for help fighting back and demanding every cent you deserve.

Our team has over 50 years of combined legal experience and knows what it takes to win even the toughest catastrophic injury cases. That’s because firm founders Frank Bayuk and Bradley Pratt previously served as senior partners in two of the country’s top defense law firms, where they became experts in defending against injury claims. Now, they use the knowledge they acquired to help serious injury victims get the money they need to put their lives back on track.

Ready to put this half-century of experience to work on your case? Then contact Bayuk Pratt for a free initial consultation with a tough, tenacious catastrophic injury lawyer in Atlanta.

Why You Need an Atlanta Lawyer After a Catastrophic Injury

A serious injury can leave you with a long course of medical treatment and rehabilitation. You may even need ongoing disability care and personal support for many years to come. When you hire an Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer from Bayuk Pratt, you’ll have a dedicated advocate who will handle the details of your compensation claims so you can focus on healing and resuming an active, independent life.

Our law firm can help you with your catastrophic injury case by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the incident that caused your catastrophic injury to recover vital evidence to build your case
  • Identifying potentially liable parties and exploring avenues to obtain the money you need for your treatment and long-term care
  • Documenting your ongoing and future financial or personal losses so we pursue maximum financial recovery
  • Dealing with insurance adjusters and defense attorneys so you don’t have to
  • Negotiating aggressively for an out-of-court settlement
  • Taking your case to trial and arguing for you in court if the liable parties won’t offer a fair settlement

We know you’re probably struggling financially, physically, and emotionally right now. That’s why we’ll take your case at no upfront cost to you, instead charging a fee only if we win your case first. At Bayut Pratt, we don’t believe that you should put anything at risk to assert your legal rights.

What’s the Difference Between Catastrophic Injury Cases and Other Personal Injury Cases?

Although catastrophic injury claims fall within the broader category of personal injury law, these cases involve unique circumstances and challenges that distinguish ordinary claims.

Here are just some of the factors that make catastrophic injury claims different from other personal injury cases:

  • The Severity of Injuries Involved – Catastrophic injury claims deal exclusively with severe, devastating injuries. Other personal injury cases may involve less severe injuries that heal much faster and more completely. Catastrophic injuries, on the other hand, tend to require ongoing care or leave an injury victim with significant permanent disabilities that must be addressed.
  • The Types of Compensation Involved – Catastrophic injury cases involve higher dollar amounts than personal injury claims involving less severe injuries. Many personal injury claims formally begin after an injured party has completed treatment and reached a full recovery. Catastrophic injury claims, on the other hand, require injured parties to seek compensation for future medical or long-term disability care expenses and loss of future income or earning capacity.
  • The Need for Expert Testimony – The complex factual and legal issues in catastrophic injury cases typically require expert testimony to assist the jury or judge with technical matters. These may involve accident reconstruction, product engineering, medical care, lost vocational capacity, and future financial losses.
  • Higher Stakes – Because catastrophic injury claims involve greater amounts of compensation than other cases, the stakes are higher, both for the accident victim and for the person or business that has to pay them. While an injured person will try to maximize their financial recovery, the opposing party or parties will fight just as hard to minimize their liability.

What Sort of Compensation Can Be Recovered for a Catastrophic Injury?

If someone else caused your catastrophic injuries, you can pursue a legal claim against them for compensation that covers the expenses or losses you’ve suffered.

Catastrophic injury compensation can provide you with financial recovery for your:

  • Medical treatment and rehabilitation expenses, including surgeries, pain management care, and therapy
  • Long-term disability care expenses, costs of home renovations to install disability accommodations, medical/mobility equipment purchases, and costs of replacement services like housekeeping or childcare
  • Lost income during your medical recovery period or lost future earning potential if you become disabled from your job or other work
  • Physical pain from your injury and medical treatment (such as post-operative pain)
  • Emotional trauma and distress
  • Reduced quality of life due to prolonged or permanent disabilities or visible scarring/disfigurement that results from your catastrophic injury

In some cases, a person who suffers a catastrophic injury may receive an award of punitive damages in a lawsuit. Punitive damages do not compensate an injury victim for a financial or personal loss. Rather, they punish the at-fault party for willful misconduct, malice, or reckless indifference to the risk of consequences. Juries can also award punitive damages to deter others from engaging in conduct similar to that of the at-fault party.