Rear-end collision in the road highway

According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta averages upwards of 35,000 car crashes annually. Based on recent national numbers, just under a third of these are rear-end collisions, which can lead to severe injuries requiring hospitalization and extensive medical treatment.

In most instances, victims of rear-end accidents don’t see them coming and are unable to avoid the collision. Usually, the driver of the car that rear-ends a vehicle ahead of it is at fault. No one should suffer the consequences of an accident they didn’t cause.

If you sustained injuries in a rear-end car wreck, contact an experienced Atlanta rear-end accident attorney at Bayuk Pratt. We want to help you seek the full compensation you deserve and fight for your right to a fair settlement.

Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer focusing on rear-end collision cases.

What Causes Most Atlanta Rear-End Collisions?

Most rear-end accidents are caused by one or more of the following factors:

  • Following too closely – Traffic rules require a minimum of at least six feet between vehicles in stand-still or stop-and-go traffic, and a three-second (or three car lengths) distance in rapidly moving traffic. If a car tailgates or follows too closely, the driver may not have adequate reaction time to avoid a crash if something stops the car in front of them.
  • Distracted driving – If the driver in the car behind yours isn’t paying attention to the road ahead because they’re on their phone, looking for something in their car, or engaged in another activity that takes their eyes away from the road, they could crash into you.
  • Excessive speeding – Drivers who exceed the speed limit or drive too fast for current weather or road conditions may have little to no time to avoid colliding with vehicles in front of them.
  • Brake failure – Failed brakes can cause a vehicle to rear-end another vehicle when the driver cannot stop the car or doesn’t have room to maneuver to avoid a collision.

Where Do Most Rear-End Car Accidents Happen in Atlanta?

Rear-end collisions tend to occur in areas with heavy traffic, which increases the likelihood of sudden stops. Understanding where these accidents are most likely to happen can help drivers remain alert and avoid potential hazards.

Some common places and circumstances where rear-end collisions are more likely include:

  • At intersections with traffic signals
  • On highway exit and entrance ramps
  • During stop-and-go traffic on busy roads
  • In school zones during pick-up and drop-off times
  • In parking lots with frequent pedestrian traffic
  • In construction zones with lane closures
  • On residential streets with speed bumps

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Rear-End Car Crash?

People involved in rear-end collisions may suffer car accident injuries such as:

  • Whiplash
  • Other neck and back injuries
  • Concussions and head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Muscle sprains
  • Bone fractures
  • Cuts, bruises, and abrasions
  • Broken ribs
  • Facial injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal bleeding and injuries

You should always seek medical attention right after a rear-end crash, as some of these injuries may not present symptoms until much later. Prompt treatment can address hidden injuries that could become life-threatening if unaddressed.

What Should I Do If I Am Rear-Ended in Atlanta?

Apart from getting medical help, take the following actions after a rear-end collision:

  • Gather evidence of the accident by taking photos and videos of the accident scene.
  • Ask witnesses for their contact information.
  • Avoid posting anything online about your accident or post-accident activities.
  • Keep all receipts, bills, and invoices of medical expenses and property repairs or replacement.
  • Keep a pain or wellness journal (either oral or written).
  • Do not speak to an insurance adjuster without first consulting your lawyer.
  • Reach out to our experienced Atlanta car accident lawyers with experience handling rear-end car accident claims and talk to us about your case.

Who Is Usually at Fault for a Rear-End Car Collision?

Determining liability in rear-end accidents can be challenging. Examples of the parties who may be liable for a rear-end crash include:

  • Driver of the vehicle behind the hit car – In most cases the driver who rear-ended the car in front of them is at fault. That is because the driver of the vehicle behind is expected to maintain a reasonable distance from the one in front.
  • Driver of the vehicle in front – If the car in front brakes suddenly for no legitimate reason, the driver may be liable. Brake-checking to punish a tailgater may not absolve a driver of liability if their vehicle is rear-ended. Cutting off another driver before braking or operating a car with faulty brake lights could also make the driver of the lead car liable, for example.
  • Third party or passerby – If another driver caused the accident, such as by running a red light, causing the driver in front to brake suddenly to avoid a collision, the driver who ran the red light could be held responsible. Similarly, a pedestrian who darts in front of a car may be liable if sudden braking results in a rear-end crash.
  • Driver of a third car – If you were rear-ended in a multi-car crash where a third vehicle slammed into the vehicle behind yours, causing them to rear-end your car, the driver of the third vehicle that instigated the crash may be liable.

Our Atlanta car accident attorneys can examine the circumstances leading to the accident to identify all at-fault parties.

Can I Be Compensated for My Injuries from an Atlanta Rear-End Car Crash?

You may be eligible to recover compensation in a personal injury claim if you were hurt in a rear-ender and someone else was at fault. Some factors affecting your compensation include the extent and severity of your injuries and whether you share liability. In Georgia, you can recover compensation if you were less than 50 percent at fault, although your share of liability will reduce your total compensation amount.

Depending on the facts of the accident, you may be able to recover compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Lawsuit in Georgia?

Under Georgia law, you have two years from the crash date to file a rear-end accident claim. In rare circumstances, the deadline may be extended or shortened. Our car accident lawyers will be able to clarify how much time you have to take action based on our knowledge of the law and the facts of your case.

Contact an Atlanta Rear-End Car Accident Attorney Now

Following a rear-end collision, you deserve the support you need to recover maximum compensation for your serious injuries and related losses. An Atlanta car accident lawyer at Bayuk Pratt can help. We’ll manage your car accident claim throughout the process, building a strong case and negotiating with insurers to seek the full amount you deserve.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation from an experienced car accident attorney at our law firm.