Did a careless driver hit you while you were riding your bike? If so, they or other at-fault parties should have to compensate you for what you’ve suffered, from your medical bills and lost wages to the pain and trauma of your injuries. Unfortunately, you’ll likely have to go through an insurance company to get this compensation, and these companies are skilled at disputing claims and minimizing payouts. Instead of taking them on alone, let an experienced Georgia bicycle accident lawyer from Bayuk Pratt fight on your behalf.

Our team has over five decades of combined legal experience and a proven track record that includes over $300 million recovered for accident victims in Georgia. A major reason for our success is that our attorneys know what it takes to succeed in the most challenging injury claims — because we know how the other side thinks. Firm founders Frank Bayuk and Bradley Pratt previously served as senior partners in some of the world’s top defense law firms. They’ve seen firsthand how insurers and corporations defend against accident claims because they were experts at doing it themselves. Today, they use their insider knowledge and insight to develop tailored legal solutions that give clients an advantage during negotiations.

Are you ready to put that advantage to work on your case? Then contact Bayuk Pratt for a free initial case evaluation with a bicycle accident lawyer in Georgia, and let’s get to work today.

Benefits of Hiring a Georgia Bicycle Accident Attorney

A bicycle accident can inflict severe, life-altering injuries. You may require a lengthy recovery period and intensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. When you hire an attorney after a bike crash, you’ll benefit from a dedicated advocate who can handle your case on your behalf, giving you the freedom to focus on your medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Let a bicycle injury attorney with Bayuk Pratt help you demand the compensation you need by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the bicycle accident to recover critical evidence, such as police accident reports, surveillance camera footage, accident scene photos, eyewitness statements, cell phone records, and accident reconstruction reports
  • Identifying your legal options for financial recovery, such as applicable insurance coverage
  • Reviewing the facts and evidence to determine the cause of the accident and the parties you can hold liable
  • Documenting your injuries and losses so that we have the proof we need to demand maximum financial recovery for you
  • Preparing and filing your insurance or legal claims and communicating with insurance adjusters and defense lawyers to pursue your claims
  • Vigorously fighting for the financial resources you need, whether through a negotiated settlement or by taking your bicycle accident case to trial to demand accountability and justice for you

What to Do After a Bike Accident

Prompt action after a bicycle accident can protect your legal rights to financial recovery from the driver or other parties at fault for the accident. Here’s what you can do to put yourself in a favorable position for pursuing compensation:

  • Report the accident to law enforcement and obtain a copy of any police crash reports.
  • Seek prompt medical attention to get examined for any injuries you may have sustained in the accident.
  • Follow your physician’s treatment plan and recovery instructions.
  • Obtain copies of medical records of your bicycle accident injury treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Review your own insurance policies to see if you have any applicable coverage, such as optional medical payments coverage.
  • Keep all bills, invoices, and receipts to document your expenses.
  • Gather copies of your income statements and pay stubs, which can serve as proof of your lost earnings if you take time off work or transfer to a lower-paying modified duty position due to medical restrictions.
  • Avoid posting photos or videos of yourself on social media during your medical recovery. Insurers often monitor feeds looking for posts that appear to contradict a claimant’s statements, such as posts of them traveling or partaking in physical activities.

Finally, contact a Georgia bicycle accident attorney from Bayuk Pratt as soon as possible to discuss how we can pursue financial accountability from those responsible for the bike accident.

What Compensation Can I Recover After a Bicycle Accident?

Depending on what happened, you may be entitled to bicycle accident compensation for your:

  • Costs of medical treatment and rehabilitation, including hospitalization, surgeries, pain management care, and physical or occupational therapy
  • Costs of long-term care and support for disabilities, including home health services, housekeeping or childcare assistance, or disability accommodations
  • Loss of wages/income from missed work or reduced earning capacity in a modified duty or part-time role during your recovery
  • Loss of future earnings and job benefits if you become permanently disabled from work
    Physical pain and emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment or quality of life due to disabilities or visible scarring/disfigurement that interfere with daily tasks or your ability to take part in activities you previously enjoyed
  • Repair or replacement expenses for your bicycle, bike helmet, and other damaged or destroyed property

Although rarely awarded, you might also recover an award of punitive damages in a bicycle accident lawsuit, such as if you get hit by an intoxicated or reckless driver. Punitive damages do not compensate you for losses incurred due to the accident. Instead, they punish the at-fault party for egregious, wanton conduct and deter others from engaging in similar conduct.

How Long Do I Have to File a Bicycle Accident Claim in Georgia?

Under Georgia’s statute of limitations on injury claims, you typically have two years from the date of injury to file a bicycle accident lawsuit. Furthermore, if you get hit by a state government vehicle while riding your bicycle, you must file a written notice of your bicycle accident claim within 12 months of the accident.

If you file your lawsuit or claim after the applicable deadlines expire, you may lose the opportunity to seek financial recovery for your injuries and losses. You can protect your legal rights to seek compensation by speaking with a Georgia bicycle accident lawyer from Bayuk Pratt as soon as possible.

What Are the Georgia Bicycle Laws?

Georgia law classifies bicycles as “vehicles,” which means that most traffic laws applicable to cars or trucks also apply to bicycles ridden on public roads. However, bicycles have laws that specifically pertain to their use, including the following:

  • Bicycle riders must ride on a permanent, regular seat and may not allow anyone to ride on the handlebars.
  • Bicycles may not carry more people than they are designed and equipped for.
  • Riders may not transport a child under one, except in a bicycle trailer or infant sling.
  • Riders may not attach themselves to any other vehicle.
  • Riders must ride their bicycles as close to the right side of the road as practical, except when turning left, passing other vehicles, or avoiding hazards.
  • Riders may only ride up to two bicycles abreast except on paths, lanes, or other roadways set aside exclusively for bicycles.
  • Riders may not carry any object that prevents them from keeping at least one hand on the handlebars.
  • Bicycles ridden at nighttime must have a front white light visible from at least 300 feet and a rear red light visible from at least 300 feet, although bicycles with rear red reflectors do not require rear red lights.
  • Bicycles must have a brake that allows the rider to make wheels skid on dry, level pavement.
  • Bicycles may not have handlebars high enough to require riders to reach above their shoulders.
  • Riders under 16 must wear a bicycle helmet that meets standards set by the American National Standards
  • Institute or the Snell Memorial Foundation.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Many bicycle accidents occur because negligent or reckless drivers fail to share the road with cyclists. Some of the most frequent causes of bike accidents in Georgia include:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating/following too closely
  • Passing too closely to a cyclist
  • Reckless driving, including excessive speeding or swerving around traffic
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Not signaling or checking mirrors before turning or changing lanes
  • Driving in bike lanes
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Drowsy/fatigued driving
  • Driver inexperience
  • Opening doors on street-parked vehicles without looking for oncoming bicycles
  • Backing up without looking

Common Types of Injuries from Bicycle Accidents

Bicyclists have little to protect them from the force of a collision, putting them at risk of injuries like:

  • Severe lacerations
  • Abrasions (road rash)
  • Crush injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Ligament sprains or tears
  • Muscle/tendon strains or tears
  • Herniated spinal disc injuries